Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless/Wordful Wednesday

So for Valentine's Day i did get one of the best presents ever and not from my husband! I got to baby sit for my sister. My 2 beautiful nieces! Averiana is going on 5 months old (where the heck does time go) and Jayden is 4! I only had them for about an hour but it was enough time to take a gazillion pictures. Here are some of the best ones. I just love the faces!!! It is so hard to pick only a few so forgive me if this is long!


Brittany said...

Oh how cute is she !?!?? I love the faces she is making priceless !! Your hubby looks right at home holing the little girl...its time for you guys to add a beautiful little girl to your alreay beautiful family !!!

Unknown said...

That is a beautiful baby! I love that big smile in the first one, but they are all cute!! : )

Ann On and On... said...

Those photos made me giggle! So cute!

Jumped over from 5 Min. for Mom... :D