Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Almost There: 36 Week Pictures and Midwife Update

Weight: 218 up 1 lb from 2 weeks ago and 12 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight. She assured me that the 1 lb is probably all baby at this point though.
BP: 110/80 which is a little high for me but still very very normal.
Sione's HR: 140's and very strong.
Measurements: 38 cm/weeks. If i am still measuring this far head (2 weeks essentially) next week we will schedule another U/S to see if we can find the cause (either big baby or excess fluid).
Position: He is definitely head down (way down) and he is also at the moment back to back with me which we want to avoid since that is the cause of back labor. She suggested i spend some time a couple times a day on all fours (which hubby just lights up about; sicko) or bending over.
Progress: She checked me upon my request (due to my history of 37/38 week delivery) and i am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. She said it is no where near a laboring cervix but that it is a great start for 36 weeks.

As far as how i am feeling well i bet you can guess. I am sooooo uncomfortable! Just ready to meet my little man and find out what he looks like and how big he is.

I finally got my bag partially packed. I have all the stuff i need for him in the bag and still need to get my stuff in there. I am going to pack a separate back with some snacks, toys, and such for the kids and myself.

This weekend i am going to try and find a comfy robe and a night gown for the birth. I decided if i end up in the tub a sports bra will probably be worn so that is already taken care of. Just need to finish it all up and put it in the car for when the time comes.

I had my maternity pics done yesterday and i can not wait to share with you all. I just know they turned our beautiful! She did some great shots of all the boys and me, just Marcus and I, and then me by myself. I can not wait to share.

So that is it for this week. I have my 37 week appointment next Tuesday and i will have another update next Wednesday. Till then just holding Mr. Sione' in!


Stacy Uncorked said...

The excitement is building, isn't it? I remember this stage when I was pregnant with Princess Nagger - anxious for her arrival so I could meet her in person... Looking forward to seeing the maternity pics, they sound really cool!

Happy WW! :)

Tammy said...

I remember that time. Now, you just want the little one out. There is no comfortable position to sleep in and you are all stomach. So glad to have those days over.

Rhea said...

What a great, perfectly round belly! You look great!

Marie said...

You look like you're doing great -- but I remember how anxious I was at this point too -- wanting to be done with being pregnant and getting to meet my little one.

tiarastantrums said...

ssssoooooooo exciting

Liz Mays said...

It's getting so close! How exciting!

Momstart said...

you look very healthy, sound very healthy and very uncomfortable. I hate pregnancy

Bloggymommy said...

Almost done! Soon you'll be holding that bundle in your arms and not your belly! :) Happy WW to ya!

Danielle said...

How exciting! I was exactly where you are last year at this time! I was due Nov 9th. I have my little boy on Oct 28th. He is now almost a year old!! Time goes by so fast!

Jen said...

you are almost there. hang in there.

Stopped by from Angies.

lisa@gardenofmany said...

Great post , I hope that baby moves for you back to back labor is not full I have had to and hated it ! Not much longer and you will be holding your bundle ! Congrats, have a great WW.

Brittany said...

Oh gosh its getting so close !! I know you are uncomfortable I remember me at 36 weeks I could barely move anymore lol. It took so much energy to just get out of bed. I can't wait to see the pictures !!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, yeah....I'm def going to live this one through you. I feel for you, girl. We're so close!!!

casual friday every day said...

SO excited to meet your little one!
