Sunday, January 24, 2010


(Click On The Picture To See Full Size)
Do you see it? Can you tell me what it is? The shape of the eyes? The little button nose? The arch of the brows?

I dont see a huge resemblance between my children, but there is something. When i look at them all at the same age...i just dont know.

What do you see?

Friday, January 22, 2010


I think my bloggy mojo has ran away!

Can you help me find it? Point me in the right direction? Give me a hint? Anything will do!

I want to write! I want to tell you everything i have been doing. It is is boring really.

I have been enjoying life and my baby and my kids and my husband. I have been taking less pictures and spending more time viewing things through my own eyes instead of a lens. I just dont know how, scratch that, i cant find the words right now.

I sit down and think, "I am going to write a blog post today about such and such" and then by the time i get a free hour to do it i am so tired and just want to unwind and play Farmville lol.

I guess this too will pass. We all have highs and lows and i guess right now i just have more important and better things to be doing. I miss you all and i hope when i do get back to writing daily i still have some readers left.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rollin'...Rollin'...Rollin' On The Floor

Look who is on the move!!!!

I can not believe he is rolling over already! Awwwwww...I think i might cry!

One milestone down and a million more to go.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sione' - 2 Months

Dear Bundle Bug,

This last month has been absolutly wonderful. You are 2 months old and time has seemed to go so fast yet so slow at the same time. 2 months of your sweet self. 2 months of absolute wonder and amazement. Everyday that goes by i love you more and more. Nothing could ever make me love you any less.

You had your first Christmas. Although you were barley over a month it was so great to see you with us and enjoy your presence. You got 3 bottles and 5 bibs in your stocking. You also got some really cute clothes. We spent Christmas Eve with your Daddy's side of the family and you ate up the attention. Then we spent Christmas Day with Mommy's side of the family and once again you were just the light of the day.

Not all has been sunshine and roses though. Christmas night your Aunt Chelsie took us to the ER because you started having troubling breathing. Mommy was so scared. We eneded up having to take you back the next day because the ER was really busy and Mommy didnt wanna keep you there longer than needed.

So Mommy and Daddy watched you really close all night and then took you back the next day. You were diagnosed with RSV and admitted for 24 hour observation. That was one of the hardest 24 hours of Mommy and Daddy's life. You looked so pitiful hooked to all those machines and the IV just made Mommy's heart break. It took them 3 tries to get it in and Mommy was glad she sent Daddy with you to have it done instead of me going.

You were released the next day and within a few days you cleared right up like nothing had ever been wrong. You were miserable for a few days but Mommy and Daddy coddled you and made sur eyou had everything you needed and all the love in the world.

You are now smiling all the time. You found your reflection in the mirror on your swing and love to spend time looking, talking, and smiling at yourself. We hold reguar conversations now. I talk to you and say short little phases and you coo and gurgle back at me.

You weigh almost 13 lbs now and have grown about 2 ins since you wer born. You go for your 2 month shots tomorrow and i am so not looking forward to hearing your sad cry when they stick you.

You are eating about 6 ounces every 4 hours now and sometimes would rather play than eat. I can just see your personality grow more with each day. Your eyes open wide now and you recognize faces and voices. Every bit of you just makes me want to eat you up.

We have settled into a good routine now. Your brothers love to play with you now and frequently do what ever they can to make you happy. I just love to see them interact with you and love on you.

It has been another great month and i love you even more if it is even possible.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I swear i am alive and i will be back with a real blog post soon. I am working on Sione's 2 month post/letter. I have been enjoying life and my baby while he is a baby. Plus Facebook (mostly Farmville and Petville) have me addicted and take up a lot of my free time lol. I promise though i will be back soon with your regularly scheduled chaos.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What I Did in 2009

Well besides gestating a baby, giving natural birth, and cuddling 3 handsome, healthy boys!

I did a whole lot of reading. I mean when you are pregnant for a whole year (yes i realize you are not pregnant for a whole year but when you find out at the beginning of March and don't give birth til November it feels like a whole year) what else is there to do to pass the time besides read, write, and take care of your family.

So i added it up and i am pretty sure i read 12 books. That is probably (and i am sad to say) the most books i have read in the past 5 years combined (not counting children's books lol). I remembered how much i love to read and how entrapping a book can be. I threw myself into these stories and allowed myself to become part of the book and the characters.

So what are these wonderful books i read? Well don't be shocked when i tell you lol!

The first ones i read i was very hesitant to read. The Twilight Series was not even on my radar until i saw the preview for the movie when it was coming to theaters. I remember telling my friend that i refused to see the movie until i had read the book. It then took me another 6 months or more before i actually started reading the books.

Yes i said 6 months! See i have this problem, or so i thought i did, with series books. I usually shy away from any popularized, teen/tween, written for movies, type books. I would usually just opt to see the movie and say forget the hyped up books. I never read R.L. Stine Goosebumps books as a kid. I stayed far away from Stephen King books as an adult. I have never even picked up a Harry Potter book. I realize now that it was probably a big mistake. Alas i didn't know what i was missing.

The Twilight Series sucked me in. I am now in the not so exclusive Twihards club. Everything from the characters to the scenery i created in my imagination fully engulfed me. I finished the series in just 3 weeks. I was left sad when i finished and begging for something else to fill the void that i was left with.

I had purchased Angels and Demons by Dan Brown at the same time i started reading Twilight so i had that on the back burner waiting. Since i had already read The Da Vinci Code a few year back so i figured i would give it a try. Now i can hardly wait for my friend to pass me her copy of Lost Symbol! The Langdon Series is a interesting read. Dan Brown mixes fiction with history so well that you barley realize you are learning something as you become involved in the adventures of Robert Langdon.

Then a friend filled my vampire craving void with P.C. and Kristen Cast's series House of Night. There are six books so far and i have downed them all. With six more to come i can barley contain myself till the seventh is released. These have also been adapted to be made into movies and i just wonder when that adventure will begin.

P.C. Cast is a teacher and has entwined the worlds of vampire and high school so well that if you didn't know better you might think you were reading about a human high school. There are clicks and drama and the ever so "high school" boyfriend problems. It takes me back to a time when i was 16 and in high school.

I also started Alyson Noel's Immortals Series. I only have read the first, in the series of three, Evermore so far but i look forward to making time to start on the rest. It is a lot like Twilight but shorter and with less details. I can't say it was the best book i have ever read but none the less i was sucked in and will definitely be reading the rest of the series as it comes out.

Now i have started on another vampire series by Richelle Mead called Vampire Academy. It is good so far but i am taking longer to read than normal due to all the baby loving i have going on right now. There are four books out for far with the 5th and 6th due to be released this year! I have a lot of reading to do.

So i have two more Immortal books to read, three and a half Vampire Academy books to read, and then waiting on the next installment of the House of Night. I will eventually move away from the vampires and on to something else lol. I think i would love to read James Patterson books (specifically The Women's Murder Club Series). I love a good mystery/adventure.

Anyways the whole point is i never knew what i was missing! I love series books no matter how popular they are. I will always read the book before i view the movie from here on out because 9 times out of 10 the book is so much better. So throw me a line here! What series could you not put down? I need to make a wish list!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009/Hello 2010!

I was going to try and write some elegant post about how 2009 royally sucked and how 2010 is gunna be so much better but what good would that do. Instead we will do a little review and then maybe talk about the future.

I spent a most of the year looking like this:
And this:
And then the end of the year enjoying this:
And this:
And this:
2009 was not all bad. I was pretty miserable for at least half of it but who isnt miserable being that pregnant lol. But last year brought me a blessing in my little man. I will always look back on 2009 just as i look back on 2004, 2005 and 2006 as the most blessed and wonderful years of my life.

We had financial trouble just like the rest of the world did. We fought over which bills should be paid and which could be skipped this month. Even now as the New Year begins we find ourself overloaded in debts and behind on bills. But 2010 also brings income taxes which will help us catch up on what we need to.

This year will be filled with milestones. Of course there will be lots from my little bug. First words, first foods, first vacations, first meetings of distant family, first steps, first crawls, a first birthday, and many many more. Also this year will bring us a milestone for Phabian. He will be turning 5 in March. I can no longer refer to him as a preschooler. He will start elementary school in the fall, kindergarten which is all day long.
I am not completely sure what this year hold for us. I am sure there will be lots of tears both of sadness and joy. I am sure there will be lots of smiles. I know there will be happy moments and moments of sadness. There will be milestones met with bittersweet feelings as i watch my baby bug grow and my other 2 boys start new chapters in their lives.

So here is to 2009 and all it brought and to 2010 and all it will bring. I learned a lot of lessons and i just know there are many more to be learned this year. And as for resolutions i will leave those to everyone else. Me, i am just going to work on being a better me all around. No specifics and no pressure.